Friday, December 10, 2010

connections 3

In chapter 17 we discussed accounting in a business. I did not know much about accounting before we started this chapter, but i know i lot more now. I was reading an article online the other day and saw a local business in Houston had failed due to poor financing (The former owner was talking about it). He was being interviewed saying it is really important to make sure your money is in the right places and planned where to be. This reminded me of how managers are SUPPOSED to use accounting to plan future business like taught in chapter 17. So maybe if this guy would have looked at his financing closer he would still be in business.....(He needs to take a intro to business class)...taught by the best teacher at blinn...Bethany Adams!!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Connections 3

I was in charge of the financial performance section for our group presentation. I found this hard at first but after I started applying some of the things i have learned I realized I could make sense of the tables and graphs I was looking at and figure out important information about a business. I found this pretty interesting and I plan to use it in the future to keep track of companies I may want to invest in and also to just entertain myself at times and see how the major corporations in the world are doing.

Connections 2

At work this semester I got to experience some interesting things with my job. I work at the movies and while cleaning a fellow employee dropped a booster seat on the head of another employee. It caused them to have to go to the hospital and get stitches. During all this i got to experience the plans the company I work for has in place for crazy situations like this. I do not think it ever had to go to federal laws and no one got fired over the ordeal but the one employee can no longer touch booster seats and will be fired for throwing things now. while i was not involved in the predicament I still thought it was interesting to see the different levels of management at work as they took care of the situation.

Connections 1

Since taking this class I have noticed myself picking out different things that we are talking about in class in my everyday life. Most recently, I found myself thinking about the different types of products around me. This started with me noticing all the convenience products by the register when I was paying for my gas at the store. The mall and car dealerships I passed on my way home also made me think about all the specialty and shopping products there are in the world too. After thinking about this for the rest of my way home it amazed me how oblivious I was, before this class, to how much thought goes into every product I see everyday.

Reflections 4

Since our last test we have been gone on break. We have been going over a lot of different details of a business and have recently been covering different business laws and the importance of accounting to a business. The laws we have been covering are ones that have shaped business to be they way it is today. One in particular, the civil rights act of 64, it is responsible for the end of discrimination in the business world. We have learned that accounting is important because it can be used by the different levels of management to see how the business is performing. It can be used by lower levels to simply keep track of stock and used by upper levels to see how the business is doing in a particular region.

Connections Post 3

Like most people, when I am paying a business for a service, I expect to be treated with respect and as though my business is appreciated. In this class we discussed a lot about company culture and how important employees are to the success of a business. I am constantly surprised at the lack of ability for some companies to higher employees with smiling faces or that are willing to help out the customer any way possible. This class has made me consider the attitudes of employees at business's I frequent and consider the company culture and it's effects on the personalities of employees.

Connections Post 2

The organization of a company is another aspect of business that I find myself connecting and considering when it comes to my day to day habits. When going to a restaraunt or using a service of some kind, I cant help but to consider ways the service I'm paying for can be done more efficiently. Im constantly noticing areas in which the business could improve by using techniques and strategies discussed in this business class.